RebirthRO private Server

RebirthRO is the premier private Ragnarok Online server, offering a unique and authentic gaming experience you won't find anywhere else.

RebirthRO was once a cherished haven for gamers sadly Hijacked by ancyker back in 2017, it faced significant challenges due to its former developer, ancyker, now known as Remy. This individual not only stole the server but has also engaged in unethical behavior. Remy has sent false copyright claims to the original owner, me (Syphon), and attempted to undermine our community with DDoS attacks. He may try to clone domains, but no matter what, you'll never be as great like me! He has also spread false information, claiming that I am heavily addicted to drugs, gambling, and alcohol ro rebirth website something that some of you may have believed at the time, i am also was a racist thats what he spreath around, but it is completely untrue. He did this to deter people from following me to my new server.

Remy's actions were driven by a twisted sense of nostalgia and self-interest. Although he has publicly spoken about nostalgia and claimed to care about the community, his actions tell a different story. When Nova Ragnarok was taken down, he seized the opportunity to take down the server without regard for the users who loved it. He even added a "seized by the FBI" image to mislead people into believing the server had been taken by authorities, hes still running an empty stolen server to this day, making people believe its the real thing. RebirthRO is nothing more than an empty,rebirthro unmaintained server by him. Weve rebranded as RevivalRO. Unlike Remy, we are committed to preserving the experience and ensuring that our community remains strong.

Since 2017, we have relaunched as RevivalRO and have been dedicated to providing a vibrant, reliable, and immersive experience. Despite the obstacles, we are proud to offer a server where the true spirit of Rebirth RO lives on.

Remy was always free to start his own server, but why steal someone else's work? His reason for stealing the server was because I wanted to move it to Asia. It turned out to be the right decision, rebirth ro as 90% of our community comes from the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other parts of Asia. Europe also has a solid connection to Asia. He secretly added his servers to the full rack we rented and also stole the hardware I had paid for, which he has never returned! He rented out the hardware to others while having me cover the cost of the rack, which is why he didnt want me to move it. Most likely, he wanted to keep this arrangement a secret from me, especially since renting a full rack without DDoS protection is just ridiculous for a private server. I started RebirthRO when I was just 14 or 15 years old back in 2005, and I have always cared deeply about the community. My advice to Remy is to make a fresh start with a new name. I wish him all the best and hope he leaves us in peace. The server is now known as StolenRO. It s a bit pathetic to have a stolen server with no players that isnt maintained, kept online only because his ego is in the way and he cant accept defeat. Its just a sad attempt to cling to something he knows he has lost.

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